Powell’s Books - Powell's by Powell's (Strategy)


Powell’s Books is the world’s largest independent bookstore. They came to Öpinionated for help staying afloat when COVID-19 forced them to close their iconic Portland storefront.

Strategy: Bring the feeling of being in a bookstore outside the store


This piece of the campaign earned an article on CNN Business, the perfume was featured in The Strategists 2020 Gift Guide, and - most incredibly - even became an answer on NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me.

Strategy: Tap into the growing resentment toward Amazon

Powell’s didn’t just put up the billboard. They also pulled all of their books off of Amazon.com. This generated huge press.



Creative Team:

Scott Fish

Emma Siolka

Lauren Olson

Vicky Mo

Nate Corrado

Laura Peltzer

Creative Directors:

Mark Fitzloff

Rob Palmer


Casey Hickman

Dave Daines